Uživatelské hodnocení a recenze mikrofonu Voice Technologies VT700H/3wire. Odkazy na odborné recenze a testy Voice Technologies VT700H/3wire.

Chystáte se koupit produkt: Voice Technologies VT700H/3wire a chcete si před nákupem zjistit recenze a názory ostatních zákazníků, kteří koupili produkt Voice Technologies VT700H/3wirepřed vámi?
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Mikrofon Voice Technologies VT700H/3wire informace

lehký hlavový mikrofon VT700 Lightweight Headworn Designed to fit any head contour and to free performers to focus on their performance! Ideal for event production, public speaking, theatre and broadcast studio operations. The VT700 headworn is lightweight , the flexible gooseneck enables the user to position the microphone for optimum sound and gain before feedback and is very comfortable and unobtrusive. A perspiration drip ring on the gooseneck ensures the microphone capsule stays dry at all times. The cable runs neatly behind the neck for maximum concealment. The headband is highly resistant to corrosion and is easy to clean. The VT700 exhibits an extended frequency response and an onmi-directional polar pattern for outstanding clarity and natural sound with no proximity build-up.
lehký hlavový mikrofon VT700 Lightweight Headworn Designed to fit any head contour and to free performers to focus on their performance! Ideal for event production, public… celá specifikace

Recenze Voice Technologies VT700H/3wire recenze, parametry a obchody

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Recenze Voice Technologies VT700H/3wire recenze

Parametry Voice Technologies VT700H/3wire recenze

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Návod Voice Technologies VT700H/3wire

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Voice Technologies VT700H/3wire recenze testy
Fotogalerie Voice Technologies VT700H/3wire recenze

Voice Technologies VT700H/3wire recenze

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